Revenue: +47.5%
Net income: +11.3%

Paris - july 6, 2011

As per IFRS2009**
in RMB thousands
in RMB thousands
in € thousands
in € thousands
Revenue 51,608 71,824 5,421 7,995 + 47.5 %
Gross margin
As a % of revenue
34.2 %
38.1 %
34.2 %
38.1 %
+ 52.1%
Operating margin
26.35 %
23.3 %
26.35 %
23.3 %
+ 23 %
Tax (2,501) (4,380) (263) (487) + 85.2 %
Net income
Net margin
21.5 %
17.2 %
21.5 %
17.2 %
+11.3 %

**Pre-audit figures

***2009 exchange rate: € 1 = RMB 9.5199
 2010 exchange rate: € 1 = RMB 8.9836


Shenzhen-based Chinese group HK Wusejie, which specializes in decorative craft pieces in carved and/or painted wood, enjoyed another year of strong growth in 2010 as it capitalized on the boom on China’s property market.

Over the full year, HK Wusejie virtually doubled its revenues to RMB 71,824,000 (€ 7,995,000) from RMB 51,608,000 (€ 5,421,000) in 2009. Activity was propelled by the sale of new types of products (soft furnishings and cushions, small wooden furniture, tableware, decorative iron, etc.) which accounted for 25% of total sales.

With the opening of 21 new sales outlets, the group's gross margin increased 52% in 2010 to stand at RMB 27,347,000 (€ 3,044,000), namely 38.1% of revenue versus 34.2% one year earlier. Direct sales now account for 27.06% of revenue compared with 20.5% in 2009.

Operating income grew 23% to RMB 16,733,000 (€ 1,862,000) for an operating margin of 23.3%. The dip in operating margin is explained by the increase in overheads that has gone hand-in-hand with the company’s growth, and the increase in the cost of sales as a result of the new openings over the year.

Lastly, net income grew 11.3% to RMB 12,353,000 (€ 1,395,000) to generate a net margin of 17.2%.


A very healthy financial structure

At December 31, 2010, HK Wusejie's equity amounted to RMB 30,042,000 (€ 3,411,000) after a figure of RMB 23,698,000 (€ 2,418,000) one year earlier. The group’s net cash position stood at RMB 9,723,000 (€ 992,000).



HK Wusejie fully intends to pursue its commercial development in China and around the world in 2011 but also remains prudent as to its forecasts for the year. August will see Shenzhen play host to the World University Games and preparations for this major sporting event have already disrupted activity in the region’s factories which will necessarily impact on the group’s performance. As things stand, HK Wusejie expects its results for the year to be close to those posted in 2009.


ISIN code: HK0000061074 – Mnemonic code: MLHKW


About HK Wusejie
Founded in 2003, Chinese group HK Wusejie designs, produces and sells decorative craft pieces in carved and/or painted wood (vases, wall panels and other decorative objects). Today, the company is a key player on China’s very recent and very buoyant wooden interior decorating market.
Drawing on a team of experienced designers, the group has a unique craft expertise, uses sophisticated and complex techniques and has filed 40 patents to date. At present, it mostly sells its products in China through 400 distributor clients.
HK Wusejie group has a flawless track record of strong growth and high margins. Since 2006, group revenues have grown by over thirteen times.


HK WusejieAtout CapitalActus Finance Mélanie Bonanno Clémence Fugain
  +33 (0)1 56 69 61 81 +33 (0)1 53 67 35 71

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