Profils Sociétés (1)

Logo Bastogi S.p.A.

Bastogi SpA est une société de portefeuille basée en Italie, active dans le secteur des services artistiques et de l'hôtellerie. La société est active dans deux secteurs. Le secteur Open Care fournit des services intégrés pour les œuvres et les objets d'a ...


Photo Fabio Milanesi
Fabio Milanesi

Fabio Milanesi occupe actuellement le poste de directeur général adjoint - Technologie de l'information et opérations chez FinecoBank SpA. M. Milanesi a précédemment occupé le poste de directeur administratif chez Fineco Sim Spa.

Photo Vincenzo Milanesi
Vincenzo Milanesi

Vincenzo Milanesi is currently the Chairman at Est Più SpA since 2011 and a Professor at the University of Padua since 1984.
He was previously an Independent Non-Executive Director at AcegasApsAmga SpA.

Photo Stefania Milanesi
Stefania Milanesi

Stefania Milanesi is currently the Chief Financial Officer, COO & Executive Director at Equita Group SpA since 2023.
She is also the Director at Fondazione Lang Europe ONLUS since 2011 and the Chief Financial Officer at Equita Capital Sgr SpA since 2016.
Previously, Ms. Milanesi worked as the Chief Financial Officer at Banca Sara SpA from 2003 to 2012.
She also served as the Chief Financial Officer at Kraft Jacobs Suchard SpA from 1992 to 1997, at State Street Bank SpA from 2012 to 2016, and at Nascent SIM SpA from 2000 to 2003.
Ms. Milanesi obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Bergamo in 1989.

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