PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Press release
29 August 2013

                         2013 first half year results

Consolidated data
in EUR millions                             HY1 2013   HY1 2012   % change

Sales                                          506.9      513.9      -1.4%
Current operating result                        81.8       77.9      +4.9%
Operating result                                81.0       67.1     +20.8%
Net profit                                      62.5       43.9     +42.2%
Cash flow                                       87.5       77.5     +12.8%

Note: Cotherm was excluded from the scope of consolidation in October 2012 and
Giga was included in April 2013.

Group sales were EUR506.9 million for the first six months of the financial year
(a decline of 1.4% in real terms and an increase of 1.3% on a like-for-like
basis). This increase on a like-for-like basis shows a marked improvement in the
second quarter, partly due to base effects, but reflects mixed developments
depending on division and geographic region.

. Somfy Activities' sales grew from EUR455.8 million to EUR467.0 million (up
2.1% on a like-for-like basis). This increase testifies to buoyant growth in
Asia-Pacific and the Americas, as well as good resilience in Central and Eastern
Europe, France and Germany. Conversely, this fails to reflect the continued
challenging situation in Southern and Northern Europe, which was due to the
economic situation and unfavourable weather conditions particularly affecting
sales of motors and automation for blinds.

. Somfy Participations' sales fell from EUR59.7 million to EUR41.5 million (down
7.1% on a like-forlike basis). This decline was attributable to Cotherm's exit
from the consolidation scope and reduced business activity at the two
fully-consolidated companies, Sirem and Zurflüh-Feller (down 11.9% and 5.2% on
a like-for-like basis, respectively).


The Group's current operating result was EUR81.8 million for the half year (up
4.9% in real terms and 6.8% on a like-for-like basis), representing 16.1% of
sales compared to 15.2% for the same period of the previous year.

. Somfy Activities' contribution increased from EUR73.7 million to EUR78.2
million (up 6.0% in real terms and 6.4% on a like-for-like basis). This rise
originated from business growth and tight control of operating and fixed costs,
which was the result of significant adaptation and optimisation work carried out

. Somfy Participations' contribution decreased from EUR4.3 million to EUR3.7
million (down 14.1% in real terms and up 17.7% on a like-for-like basis),
resulting from the net profit of fullyconsolidated subsidiaries of EUR5.2
million, a decline which was primarily due to the exit of Cotherm from the
consolidation scope, and operating expenses of EUR1.5 million.

Consolidated net profit was EUR62.5 million (up 42.2% in real terms and 44.4% on
a like-for-like basis). This recovery was largely due to the non-recurrence of
goodwill impairment and capital losses on companies that exited the
consolidation scope recognised in the same period last year.

Financial position

The Group had a net cash surplus1 of EUR22.0 million at the end of June,
compared to net financial debt of EUR38.4 million twelve months previously. This
improvement reflects a significant decline in working capital requirements and a
substantial increase in cash flow.


The implementation of the cost adjustment and optimisation plans will continue
within the two divisions over the next few months to strengthen the Group's
competitiveness and profitability within an economic environment that still
remains uncertain.

. The development effort will be concurrently maintained. Its main objective
will be to consolidate Somfy Activities' positions in its strategic markets and
may give rise to merger and acquisition transactions.

. Likewise, investment and divestment opportunities will be considered by Somfy

(1) The net cash surplus is the difference between financial assets and
liabilities. This includes unlisted bonds receivable issued by a number of
related investments or entities and earn-out on acquisitions and liabilities
attached to options granted to minority shareholders in fully-consolidated

Corporate profile

The Somfy Group is structured as two separate branches: Somfy Activities, which
is dedicated to the automation and control of openings and closures in
residential and commercial buildings (blinds, shutters, curtains, screens,
doors, gates, etc.); and Somfy Participations, which is dedicated to investments
and equity shareholdings in industrial companies operating in other business
sectors. In 2012, the Group generated net sales of EUR989.6 million and reported
a current operating result of EUR132.2 million and a net profit of EUR84.4

Financial statements

The half year financial statements have been reviewed by the Supervisory Board.
They can be downloaded from the Company's website:

Limited review procedures have been performed and the Statutory Auditors' report
has been issued.


Somfy: Pierre Ribeiro (CFO) - Tel: +33 4 50 40 48 49 /
Jean-Michel Jaud (Communication Dire ctor) - Tel: +33 4 50 96 70 65

Shan: François-Xavier Dupont - Tel: +33 1 44 50 58 74

Shareholders' agenda

Publication of third quarter sales: 22 October 2013 after close of trading

Details of results

Consolidated data at the end of June in EUR millions           2013     2012*
Sales                                                         506.9    513.9
  Somfy Activities                                            467.0    455.8
  Somfy Participations                                         41.5     59.7
  Restatements                                                 (1.6)    (1.6)
EBITDA                                                        101.0     98.6
Current operating result                                       81.8     77.9
  Somfy Activities                                             78.2     73.7
  Somfy Participations                                          3.7      4.3
  Other                                                        (0.1)    (0.1)

* The 2012 financial statements have been restated following the application of
revised IAS 19, the change in the method of accounting for the CVAE tax and the
allocation of the acquisition cost of Pellenc.

Condensed balance sheet

Consolidated data at the end of June in EUR millions           2013     2012
Equity                                                        874.0    831.8
Other non-current items                                        65.4     52.3
Net cash surplus**                                             22.0    (38.4)
Net fixed assets                                              768.8    766.6
Working capital requirements                                  148.6    155.9

** The amount specified was negative in 2012 (net financial debt) and positive
in 2013 (net cash surplus). This figure includes unlisted bonds receivable of
EUR67.7 million in 2012 and EUR71.4 million in 2013.

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