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Meeting of the FATF Plenary, Paris, 12-14 February 2014

The 36 members of the Financial Action Task Group (FATF) and representatives from the FATF-Style Regional Bodies will meet in Paris, under the presidency of Mr. Vladimir Nechaev of the Russian Federation, for the second Plenary under the Russian presidency.

The FATF sets standards and promotes effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. The decision-making body of the FATF is the FATF Plenary, which is supported by a number of Working Groups.

Some of the issues on the agenda for the Plenary meeting are:

  • Engaging with the FATF-Style Regional Bodies through the Global Network Co-ordination Group to ensure effective global implementation of the revised FATF Recommendations.
  • Developing consolidated procedures for mutual evaluations of compliance with the FATF Recommendations, conducted by other assessing bodies.
  • Reviewing the implementation of measures taken by a number of countries to address deficiencies identified in the last round of mutual evaluation reports.
  • Identifying jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT system and reviewing progress made by jurisdictions that had been identified at the October 2013 Plenary.
  • Reviewing the options for a possible expansion of membership of the FATF. 

A summary of the outcomes of the meeting will be published at the end of the meeting. 

last updated: 30 Jan. 2014


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