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Taiwan S.E.

49 587 718 180 TWD Action Solomon Technology Corporation Action

Taipei Exchange

1 576 979 225 TWD Action Solomon Data International Corporation Action

Hong Kong S.E. +2 Autres

5 638 143 0,345 HKD Action Solomon Systech (International) Limited Action

Deutsche Boerse AG

- 0,03 EUR Action Solomon Systech (International) Limited


- 0,0305 EUR Action Solomon Systech (International) Limited

Profils Sociétés (19)

Logo Fortescue Ltd

Fortescue Ltd, anciennement Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, est une entreprise intégrée de technologies vertes, d'énergie et de métaux basée en Australie. L'entreprise exerce ses activités dans deux secteurs : Les métaux et l'énergie. Le segment Métaux est en ...

Logo Visionary Metals Corp.

Visionary Metals Corp. est une société d'exploration minière basée au Canada. La société se concentre sur les découvertes de métaux précieux et de base dans le comté de Fremont, au Wyoming. La société contrôle un ensemble de terrains de plus de 80 kilomèt ...

Logo Joshua Gold Resources Inc.

Joshua Gold Resources Inc. est une société canadienne d'exploration minière et aurifère. La principale activité de la société est l'acquisition, l'exploration et le développement de propriétés minières au Canada. Ses projets comprennent Benoit-West, la pr ...

Logo Solomon Systech (International) Limited

Solomon Systech (International) Limited est une société holding d'investissement principalement engagée dans la conception, le développement et la vente de produits de circuits intégrés propriétaires et de solutions de systèmes. Ses produits comprennent d ...

Logo Almogim Holdings Ltd

Almogim Holdings Ltd est une société basée en Israël qui est active dans le secteur de l'immobilier. La société elle-même et ses filiales sont engagées dans le lancement, la construction et l'exploitation de projets immobiliers résidentiels en Israël et à ...

Logo Rotshtein Realestate Ltd

Rotshtein Realestate Ltd est une entreprise de construction basée en Israël et active dans le secteur de l'immobilier. La société est engagée directement et par l'intermédiaire de ses filiales dans le développement et la construction de propriétés résiden ...

Logo Mehadrin Ltd

Mehadrin Limited est une société basée en Israël. Elle produit, conditionne et commercialise des agrumes, ainsi que des avocats, des mangues, des kumquats, des fruits du sharon, des sangsues, des fruits à noyau, des raisins, des pommes de terre, des patat ...

Logo Jisheng Group Holdings Limited

Jisheng Group Holdings Ltd, anciennement Solomon Worldwide Holdings Ltd, est une société holding d'investissement principalement engagée dans la conception, le développement, la production et la vente de produits de moulage de métaux. La société n'exerce ...

Logo Solomon Data International Corporation

Solomon Data International Corp est une société basée à Taïwan dont l'activité principale est la fabrication et la vente de composants de systèmes solaires. La société fournit également des composants d'affichage à cristaux liquides (LCD) nématiques torsa ...

Logo Kitano Construction Corp.

KITANO CONSTRUCTION CORP. est une société basée au Japon, principalement engagée dans la planification, la conception, la gestion de la construction et le conseil pour les travaux de construction. La société opère à travers quatre secteurs d'activité. Le ...

ISROTEL LTD. 1 232 M $
Logo Isrotel Ltd.

Isrotel Ltd est une société basée en Israël qui exploite des hôtels. Le portefeuille de la société consiste en une chaîne d'hôtels en Israël : Le Royal Beach Eilat, Isrotel King Solomon Eilat, Isrotel Sport Club Eilat, Isrotel Princess, Isrotel Lagoona Al ...

Logo Khadim India Limited

Khadim India Limited est une entreprise de chaussures de marque basée en Inde. Le secteur d'activité de la société est celui des chaussures et des accessoires. Elle exerce ses activités dans deux secteurs verticaux, à savoir la vente au détail et la distr ...

Logo Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd.

Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd. est une société d'exploration pétrolière et gazière basée au Canada qui possède des intérêts offshore sous licence en Guyane, en Namibie et en Afrique du Sud. Les intérêts de la société dans le domaine du pétrole et du ga ...

Logo Solomon Technology Corporation

Solomon Technology Corp est une société basée à Taiwan dont l'activité principale est la distribution de générateurs, de produits d'automatisation, de produits optoélectroniques et de composants électroniques. L'activité de qualité de l'énergie fournit de ...

Logo Metalite Resources Inc.

Metalite Resources Inc, anciennement RooGold Inc (RooGold) est une petite société d'exploration minière basée au Canada. La société se concentre sur la consolidation et l'exploration de propriétés minéralisées en métaux précieux dans cette région prolifiq ...

Logo Bayer CropScience Limited

Bayer CropScience Limited est une société basée en Inde qui fabrique, vend et distribue des insecticides, des fongicides, des herbicides et divers autres produits agrochimiques, ainsi que des semences de maïs. La société opère par l'intermédiaire du segme ...

Logo Phenom Resources Corp.

Phenom Resources Corp. est une société canadienne engagée dans l'acquisition, l'exploration et l'évaluation de propriétés minières. La société détient une participation de 100 % dans le projet Carlin Gold-Vanadium, situé dans le comté d'Elko, à six miles ...

Logo Green Thumb Industries Inc.

Green Thumb Industries Inc. est une entreprise de biens de consommation emballés à base de cannabis. Il s'agit d'un détaillant qui promeut le bien-être grâce au pouvoir du cannabis tout en rendant service aux communautés qu'il dessert. L'entreprise a deux ...


Silver Stream Mining Corporation se consacre à l'exploration minière en Amérique du Nord. Les propriétés de la société comprennent la propriété Metates, la propriété Solomon Pillars Gold, le projet Zonia Copper et le projet Bunker Hill. La propriété Solom ...



Photo Sharon Solomon
Sharon Solomon

Sharon M. Solomon occupe le poste de directrice de l'information et de vice-présidente principale d'Emergent BioSolutions, Inc. Mme Solomon a précédemment occupé le poste de directrice des technologies de l'information chez Jacuzzi Brands Corp, de directrice des technologies de l'information chez MedImmune LLC, de vice-présidente des technologies de l'information chez Actavis, Inc. et de vice-présidente des technologies de l'information chez AstraZeneca LP. Mme Solomon a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle et un diplôme d'études supérieures de l'université du Maryland.

Solomon Kerzner
Solomon Kerzner

Président du directoire de Kerzner International, qui regroupe hôtels de luxe et casinos sur différents continents, Sol Kerzner est également à la tête de Sun International, le plus important groupe hôtelier d'Afrique du Sud.

En 40 ans, ce magnat du tourisme a bâti sa réussite en alliant sens des affaires et démesure. Son diplôme d'expert-comptable en poche, Sol Kerzner travaille à Durban dans un petit hôtel de 50 chambres, propriété de ses parents. A 29 ans, il revend l'hôtel et rachète une modeste bâtisse sur la plage d'Umhlanga Rocks. Sol Kerzner emprunte de l'argent et se lance dans la construction du Beverly Hills, le premier cinq étoiles d'Afrique du Sud ouvert en 1964, offrant chambres de luxe, bar, restaurant, salles de sport et divertissement.

Une belle réussite mais pas de quoi calmer les ardeurs de cet entrepreneur boulimique qui se lance dans un projet pharaonique : la construction de Sun City, un complexe d'hôtels et de casinos à Bophuthatswana, la seule région de l'Afrique du Sud autorisant les jeux d'argent. Là aussi, Spas, parcours de golf, chefs étoilés, rien n'est trop beau pour les clients richissimes qui affluent du monde entier.

En 1975, des soupçons de corruption pèsent sur Sol Kerzner, il décide alors de quitter l'Afrique du Sud et s'installe à Londres. Il vend une bonne partie de ses hôtels de Sun City pour financer sa première acquisition hors de son pays à Saint-Géran sur l'île Maurice.

En 1993, une nouvelle opportunité se présente. Paradise Island, un complexe hôtelier aux Bahamas est en faillite. Le chantier est immense mais le tycoon sud- africain s'installe dans les iles et investit pour recréer un univers enchanteur pour ses clients. La jet set s'y bouscule, Michael Jackson chante pour l'inauguration d'Atlantis en 1998.

Un an plus tard, Sol Kerzner lance un nouveau chantier : un deuxième Atlantis à Palm Dubai qui permet au tycoon du tourisme de luxe de pousser encore plus loin son sens de la démesure. Coût de l'opération : 1,5 milliards de dollars.

En 2009, un nouveau cinq étoiles est inauguré au Cap. C'est le sixième hôtel de la chaine One & Only qui regroupe les fleurons des hôtels de luxe situés aux Bahamas, Mexique, Dubai, les Maldives et l'ile Maurice.

David Solomon
David Solomon

David Michael Solomon est né en 1962 à New-York. C'est un banquier d'investissement américain, président directeur général de Goldman Sachs depuis octobre 2018 et président du conseil d'administration depuis octobre 2018.
Il est diplômé du Hamilton College de Clinton, à New York, où il a obtenu un bachelor en sciences politiques et en administration publique.

Après avoir obtenu son diplôme, il a postulé chez Goldman Sachs pour un poste d'analyste de deux ans, mais a été rejeté, ce qui l'a poussé à postuler chez Irving Trust.
Il a ensuite travaillé pour Drexel Burnham en 1986, en tant que vendeur, avant de passer aux obligations à haut risque. Son exposition à la dette à haut rendement l'a amené à rejoindre Bear Stearns. Il a été chargé de diriger la division des obligations spéculatives et de vendre des obligations à haut risque.

A la fin des années 90, il a collaboré avec divers dirigeants de Goldman Sachs, ce qui l'a mené à travailler pour eux en tant que consultant. En 2006, il a été promu et a passé les dix années suivantes à diriger la division de banque d'investissement de Goldman Sachs.
En juillet 2007, il a piloté l'introduction en bourse (IPO) de Lululemon Athletica.
En avril 2014, Sheldon Adelson, l'un de ses clients de Drexel Burnham, a offert à David Michael Solomon le contrôle opérationnel des casinos de Las Vegas Sands. Il a décliné l'offre parce qu'Adelson "n'était pas disposé à abandonner le contrôle quotidien."

Après la démission de Gary Cohn pour devenir le conseiller économique en chef de Donald Trump, 45ème président des États-Unis, David Michael Solomon a été promu président et co-responsable de l'exploitation avec Harvey Schwartz en décembre 2016. Sous sa direction, la banque a augmenté les salaires des programmeurs, assoupli les codes vestimentaires, modernisé les systèmes informatiques, mis en place des entretiens vidéo et créé un système de "suivi des performances en temps réel" pour les nouveaux employés.

Le 12 mars 2018, Goldman Sachs a annoncé que Harvey Schwartz, co-directeur de l'exploitation et président de la société, démissionnerait, laissant David Michael Solomon au poste de commandant en second. Solomon a finalement pris ses fonctions de président-directeur général de la société le 1er octobre 2018.

Parallèlement, Solomon a siégé au conseil d'administration du Hamilton College de 2005 à 2018. Il siège également au conseil d'administration de la Robin Hood Foundation, un organisme de bienfaisance qui tente d'atténuer les problèmes causés par la pauvreté à New York.

Photo Darlene Solomon
Darlene Solomon

Actuellement, Darlene J. S. Solomon occupe le poste de directrice de la technologie et de vice-présidente principale chez Agilent Technologies, Inc. Elle est également membre du conseil d'administration de Materion Corp. et membre de la National Academy of Engineering. Au cours de sa carrière, Mme Solomon a été directrice et vice-présidente d'Agilent Laboratories, Inc, directrice de la technologie et vice-présidente de Keysight Technologies UK Ltd, directrice de la recherche et du développement de Hewlett-Packard Laboratories et présidente de la recherche et du développement de Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology. M. Solomon a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à l'université de Stanford et un doctorat au Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Photo Solomon Hermosura
Solomon Hermosura

Solomon M. Hermosura occupe le poste de directeur général du groupe Ayala, secrétaire, directeur juridique et conseiller général d'Ayala Corp, directeur général d'AG Counselors Corp, directeur général du groupe Ayala Legal, secrétaire de Manila Water Co. Inc, secrétaire d'AC Energy Corp, secrétaire d'AC International Finance Ltd, secrétaire de Philwater Holdings Co. Inc, secrétaire et directeur d'AYC Finance Ltd et secrétaire d'Affinity Express Philippines, Inc. (qui sont toutes des filiales d'Ayala Corp.), secrétaire et conseiller général du groupe Ayala Land, Inc. et secrétaire d'AREIT, Inc. (une filiale d'Ayala Land, Inc.), secrétaire de Liontide Holdings, Inc., secrétaire d'Asiacom Philippines, Inc. et secrétaire de Globe Telecom, Inc. (une filiale de Asiacom Philippines, Inc.), secrétaire pour Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc., secrétaire et directeur de Northern Riverworks & Rivers of Cebu, Inc. et secrétaire et directeur d'Integreon Managed Solutions (Philippines), Inc. Il est également membre du San Beda College of Law, secrétaire de AC International Finance Ltd. et secrétaire de Ayala Foundation, Inc. et siège au conseil d'administration de neuf autres sociétés. M. Hermosura a précédemment occupé le poste de secrétaire d'Integreon, Inc. M. Hermosura a obtenu un diplôme d'études supérieures du San Beda College.

Photo Solomon Trujillo
Solomon Trujillo

Solomon D.
founded Trujillo Group Investments LLC in 2003, where he is working as Chairman from 2003, Latino Donor Collaborative in 2010, where he is working as Chairman, and L'Attitude Ventures in 2018, where he is working as Managing Partner from 2018.
Dr. Trujillo also founded New Cadence Productions LLC, where he is working as Chairman.
Dr. Trujillo also currently works at Trujillo Group LLC, as Chairman from 2003, Cano Health, Inc., as Non-Executive Chairman from 2023, Silk Road Telecommunication Co., Ltd., as Director, and various other companies.
Dr. Trujillo also formerly worked at Telstra Corp.
Ltd., as Chief Executive Officer & Director from 2005 to 2009, Orange SA, as Chief Executive Officer from 2003 to 2004, Orange Plc, as Chief Executive Officer & Director from 2003 to 2004, and various other companies.
Dr. Trujillo received his undergraduate degree and Masters Business Admin degree from the University of Wyoming and doctorate degree from Miami Dade College.

Photo Solomon Lew
Solomon Lew

Solomon Lew is currently the Chairman of The Just Group Ltd.
and the Non-Executive Chairman of Premier Investments Ltd.
He is also a Director of Century Plaza Investments Pty Ltd., Voyager Distributing Co. Pty Ltd., Century Plaza Trading Pty Ltd., and an Associate of Metrepark Pty Ltd.
Additionally, he is a Member of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, a Trustee of the Sport & Tourism Youth Foundation, and a Member of the World Retail Hall of Fame.
Previously, he served as the Vice Chairman of Coles Myer Ltd.
from 1996 to 2002, and as the Chairman of The Mount Scopus College Foundation Ltd.
from 1987 to 2013.
He was also a Director of the Reserve Bank of Australia from 1992 to 1997 and a Member of The Prime Minister's Business Advisory Group.

Photo Sharon Mandell
Sharon Mandell

Actuellement, Sharon M. Mandell est Chief Information Officer & Senior Vice President chez Juniper Networks, Inc. et Chief Information Officer chez TIBCO Software, Inc. Au cours de sa carrière passée, Mme Mandell a occupé les postes de vice-présidente de la technologie chez Tribune Publishing Co, de directrice de la technologie chez Knight-Ridder, Inc, de directrice de la technologie chez Knight Ridder Digital et de directrice de la technologie et vice-présidente principale chez Cadent Technology, Inc. Elle est titulaire d'un diplôme de premier cycle de l'université Temple (Pennsylvanie) et d'un MBA de la Booth School of Business de l'université de Chicago.

Photo Sharon Gur
Sharon Gur

Mme Sharon Gur est responsable de la conformité et chef de la conformité à la Bank Leumi Le-Israel Ltd. Elle a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle de l'université Bar-Ilan et un MBA de l'université Bar-Ilan.

Photo Sharon Rolston
Sharon Rolston

Actuellement, Sharon L. Rolston occupe le poste de responsable des relations avec les investisseurs et contrôleur du groupe chez Diageo Plc. Dans le passé, Mme Rolston a occupé le poste de présidente de Netas Telekomunikasyon AS.

Photo Sharon Barner
Sharon Barner

Actuellement, Sharon R. Barner occupe le poste de secrétaire, vice-présidente et directrice juridique de Cummins, Inc. Elle est également membre de l'American Bar Association, de l'Illinois State Bar Association et de la National Bar Association. Dans le passé, elle a été associée et avocate chez Foley & Lardner LLP et directrice adjointe de l'Office américain des brevets et des marques. Sharon R. Barner a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à l'université de Syracuse et un diplôme d'études supérieures à la faculté de droit de l'université du Michigan.

Photo Sharon Chiarella
Sharon Chiarella

Sharon Chiarella held several positions in different companies, including Senior Director-Digital Home Services at Yahoo!, Principal at Microsoft Corp., Vice President-Technology at, Inc., and VP-Business Development & Product Management at Presto Services, Inc. She also served as Chief Product Officer at Stitch Fix, Inc. in 2021-2022.
Ms. Chiarella earned an MBA degree from Harvard University and an undergraduate degree from Manhattan College.

Photo Sharon McCollam
Sharon McCollam

Actuellement, Sharon L. McCollam occupe le poste de présidente et directrice financière d'Albertsons Cos, Inc. Mme McCollam est également membre du conseil d'administration de 9 autres sociétés. Dans le passé, Mme McCollam a occupé les postes de vice-présidente à la direction, directrice de l'exploitation et des finances chez Williams-Sonoma, Inc, de directrice des finances et de l'administration, de vice-présidente à la direction chez Best Buy Co, Inc, de directrice des finances et vice-présidente chez Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc et de directrice des finances de division chez Dole Food Co, Inc. Mme McCollam a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à l'Université de Central Oklahoma.

Photo Sharon Donnelly
Sharon Donnelly

Sharon Donnelly worked as the Chief Technology & Payments Officer at Bank of Ireland Group Plc.

Photo Sharon Schusheim
Sharon Schusheim

Sharon Schusheim is currently working as the Chief Service Officer at Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
He started this position in 2006 and is still currently employed there.
Mr. Schusheim completed his undergraduate degree at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Photo Gil Sharon
Gil Sharon

Gil Sharon's current job is as the Director at Educating For Excellence.
Formerly, Mr. Sharon held positions such as President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Pelephone Communications Ltd.
from 2005 to 2016.
He also served as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Golan Telecom Ltd., Chief Marketing Officer & Deputy CEO at Barak 013, Chairman at Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp.
Ltd., and Independent Director at SHL Telemedicine Ltd.
In addition, Mr. Sharon has worked as a Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at Telit Communications Ltd.
from 2018 to 2021.
He has also served as a Director at Yes Television Plc and Bezeq International Ltd.
Mr. Sharon's education includes an MBA from Tel-Aviv University and an undergraduate degree from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Photo Arie Sharon
Arie Sharon

Arie Sharon is currently working as the VP-Planning, Engineering & Construction at Azrieli Group Ltd.
Previously, he worked as the VP-Engineering & Business Development at Aura Investments Ltd.
Mr. Sharon completed his undergraduate degree at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Photo Sharon Goodall
Sharon Goodall

Sharon Goodall has a current job as the Group Head-Regulatory Sciences at British American Tobacco plc since 2018.

Photo Sharon Driscoll
Sharon Driscoll

Sharon Ruth Driscoll is currently an Independent Director at Empire Co. Ltd., a Director at Imperial Oil Ltd., and an Independent Director at Sobeys, Inc. She is also a Member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia.
Previously, she served as a Director at Gildan Activewear, Inc. from 2023 to 2024.
From 1987 to 2008, she was the Senior Vice President-Corporate Development at Loblaw Cos.
She then served as the Chief Financial Officer & SVP-Store Operations at Sears Canada, Inc. from 2008 to 2013.
From 2013 to 2015, she held the position of Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President at Katz Group Canada Ltd.
She also served as the Senior Vice President-Finance Retail at Loblaws Supermarkets Ltd.
from 2003 to 2007.
Most recently, she was the Executive Vice President at Ritchie Bros.
Auctioneers, Inc. from 2015 to 2023.

Photo Sharon Presnell
Sharon Presnell

Sharon Collins Presnell is currently the Chairman-College of Life Sciences at North Carolina State University and the Director-Coulter Translational Partnership Fund at the University of Virginia.
She is also an Independent Director at Viveve Medical, Inc. and the Chief Scientific Officer at Organovo, Inc. Additionally, she holds positions as a Member of the American Society for Investigative Pathology and the President of the Amnion Foundation.
In the past, Dr. Presnell worked as the Director-Research & Development at Becton, Dickinson & Co. She was also the Senior VP-Regenerative Medicine Research at Tengion, Inc. from 2007 to 2011.
From 2011 to 2018, she served as the Executive Vice President-Research & Development at Organovo Holdings, Inc. She was previously an Assistant Professor at The University of North Carolina at Asheville from 1998 to 2001 and the President & Chief Scientific Officer at Samsara Sciences, Inc.Dr. Presnell obtained her doctorate degree from the Medical College of Virginia.

Photo Sharon Ritchey
Sharon Ritchey

Sharon Ritchey occupe le poste de directeur de l'exploitation et de premier vice-président exécutif chez AXA Financial, Inc. Mme Ritchey est également membre du conseil d'administration de QBE Holdings, Inc. Elle a précédemment occupé le poste de directrice de l'exploitation et de vice-présidente principale pour le Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. la directrice de l'exploitation et la vice-présidente exécutive principale pour Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, le directeur général des services financiers automobiles pour General Electric Capital Corp. la directrice exécutive principale et le chef de la clientèle pour Equitable Life Insurance Co. et la vice-présidente et directrice de produit - marketing national pour Citicorp, Inc. Sharon Ritchey a obtenu un MBA de la Kellogg School of Management et un MBA et un diplôme de premier cycle de l'Eastern Kentucky University.

Photo Sharon Gabriel
Sharon Gabriel

Actuellement, Sharon Gabriel occupe le poste de directrice de l'information et de vice-présidente exécutive de Clean Harbors, Inc. Mme Gabriel a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle au New England College.

Photo Sharon Yeshaya
Sharon Yeshaya

Actuellement, Sharon Yeshaya occupe le poste de directeur général chez Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC. Elle a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à la Wharton School de l'Université de Pennsylvanie.

Photo Sharon Watts
Sharon Watts

Sharon G. Watts occupe le poste de Chief Administrative Officer chez Leidos Holdings, Inc. Elle a précédemment occupé le poste de vice-présidente de l'ingénierie et de la technologie chez Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Solutions.

Photo Sharon Barr
Sharon Barr

Ms. Sharon Barr is an EVP-BioPharmaceuticals Research & Development at AstraZeneca PLC and a Senior VP, Head-Research & Product Development at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Photo Sharon Mates
Sharon Mates

Sharon L.
is the founder and currently holds the position of Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer at ITI, Inc. (New York) since 2002.
She is also the founder and current Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. since 2024.
Additionally, Dr. Mates was the founder and former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Functional Genetics, Inc. from 2000 to 2003.
She also founded Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. in 2013 and serves as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer.
In her current roles, Dr. Mates is the Director-Emerging Company Section at Biotechnology Innovation Organization and an Advisor at The New York City Investment Fund Manager, Inc. Previously, Dr. Mates held the position of Chairman at New York Biotechnology Association, Inc. She was also the President & Director at North American Vaccine, Inc. from 1989 to 1998.
Additionally, she served as a Director at Gilda's Club New York City, Inc.Dr. Mates obtained a doctorate degree from the University of Washington in 1981 and an undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University.

Photo Sharon Lim
Sharon Lim

Sharon Lim is the founder and the Chairman of Browzwear Solutions Pte Ltd., which was founded in 1999.
She is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director of Capitaland Malaysia Mall Reit Management Sdn.
Bhd., the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director of Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust since 2015, and a Director at MPACT Treasury Co. Pte Ltd.
and 80 Alexandra Pte Ltd.
Ms. Lim previously worked as a Manager at CapitaLand Malaysia Trust.
She holds a graduate degree from Murdoch University and an undergraduate degree from RMIT University.

Photo Sharon Sawchak
Sharon Sawchak

Sharon Sawchak is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer at Axenic Management LLC since 2015.
Prior to this, she worked at GlaxoSmithKline LLC as Senior Director-Clinical Sciences & Neurosciences from 2002 to 2015.
She also worked as Vice President-Clinical Operations & Compliance at Karuna Therapeutics, Inc.

Photo Sharon Xiao Liu
Sharon Xiao Liu

Sharon Xiao Liu occupe le poste de directeur financier chez 21Vianet Group, Inc. Par le passé, Mme Liu était directrice chez KPMG Beijing. Mme Liu a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à l'Université de Pékin.

Photo Patrick Solomon
Patrick Solomon

Patrick Solomon is a certified Sherpa Executive Coach and an experienced Human Resources Consultant focusing on leadership development, team effectiveness, and Diversity and Inclusion.
Patrick focuses on executive and high-potential leadership coaching to help them gain self-awareness, identify skill gaps and blind spots, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, expand their leadership capabilities, unlock their potential, and act as sounding boards.
He was instrumental in the development of the first Diversity and Inclusion curriculum for managers at BellSouth.
He also led and championed the internal Gender Equity and Diversity strategy at CARE USA for its staff globally.
At CARE USA, a leading Humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, Patrick served as the Vice President for Human Resources and Administration.
Patrick started in 2003 as the Director of Internal Audit and, in April 2005, became Vice President for Human Resources.
Prior to CARE USA, Patrick spent 15 years working for BellSouth in Atlanta, Georgia.
Patrick also worked at Marathon Oil Company and Proctor & Gamble.
He has a BBA in Accounting from Howard University and an MBA from Georgia State University.
He is on the Board of 21st Century Leaders, a youth organization that develops high school students into future leaders.

Photo Walter H. Solomon
Walter H. Solomon

Walter H.
worked as a Director at Advancion Corp., Chief Growth Officer & Vice President at Ashland LLC, and SVP & General Manager-Retail Business at Valvoline International, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia in 1982.

Photo Kenneth Solomon
Kenneth Solomon

Kenneth Solomon is currently the Chairman of Ovation LLC, an Independent Director at LiveOne, Inc., a Director at Business Committee for the Arts, Inc., and a Director at World Golf Tour, Inc. He previously held positions such as Chairman & CEO at The Tennis Channel, Inc., Vice President & Manager-Eastern Region at The Walt Disney Co., President at Universal Studios LLC, and Executive Vice President-Network Distribution at Fox Broadcasting Co. LLC.
He also founded iBlast, Inc. and served as its Founding President.
Additionally, he was a Principal at DW Studios LLC and Scripps Networks, Inc. He was also the Executive Vice President & General Manager-Sales at Twentieth Century Fox International Television, Inc. and the Founding President of Cooking Channel LLC.
Mr. Solomon received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Photo Liliana Solomon
Liliana Solomon

Liliana Solomon is currently a Non-Executive Director at UNIT4 NV, a Director at Arqiva Holdings Ltd., a Director at Arqiva UK Broadcast Holdings Ltd., a Director at Trustly AB, the Chief Financial Officer at Unify Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, and the CFO-European Vacation Rentals Group at Awaze Ltd.
She previously held positions as the Chief Executive Officer at MobiFon SA and Vodafone România SA, a Director at On Tower UK Ltd.
and Arqiva Ltd., the Chief Financial Officer & Director at Arqiva Group Ltd., a Director at Trustly Group AB, the Executive VP-Controlling & Business Management at Deutsche Telekom AG, and the Chief Financial Officer at Cable & Wireless Ltd.
She was also the Chief Financial Officer at Vodafone Group Plc from 2010 to 2013, and a Member-Supervisory Board at Vodafone Libertel BV, Vodafone Holding GmbH, and Vodafone GmbH.
She was the Global Chief Financial Officer at Unify GmbH & Co. KG from 2014 to 2016, a Member-Supervisory Board at Scout24 SE from 2015 to 2019, and is currently an Independent Member-Supervisory Board at METRO AG from 2017 to 2023.
She holds an MBA from INSEAD and a graduate and doctorate degree from the Technical University of Cluj Napoca.

Photo Solomon Gabbay
Solomon Gabbay

Solomon Gabbay is currently the President & Chief Financial Officer at Gibson Homewares.

Photo Fred Solomon
Fred Solomon

Fred Solomon is the founder of Srg LLP (United States).
He currently holds positions at The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Solomon Ross Grey & Co. LLP, and the California Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Previously, he worked as a Principal at American Express Co., TCW Asset Management Co. LLC, and The Great-West Life Assurance Co. He received his undergraduate degree from San Diego State University and his graduate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Photo Edwin W. Solomon
Edwin W. Solomon

Edwin W.
is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer at SYSCO Food Services of West Coast Florida, Inc. He holds an MBA from Michigan State University and an undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University.

Photo Gary N. Solomon
Gary N. Solomon

Gary N.
is currently a Director at Business Comparison Ltd.
and a Member at both The National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Business Council of New Orleans & the River Region.
He previously held Chairman positions at University of New Orleans Foundation, St. Martins Episcopal School, Louisiana Children's Museum, and New Orleans City Park Improvement Association.
He was also a Director at Planet Beach Franchising LLC from 2010 to 2011.
Additionally, he was a Member of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and a Trustee of The Greater New Orleans Foundation.
Mr. Solomon received an undergraduate degree from the University of New Orleans.

Photo Herbert Gavin Solomon
Herbert Gavin Solomon

Herbert Gavin Solomon was the founder of Endocoal Ltd.
where he served as an Independent Non-Executive Director from 2008 to 2013.
He is also the founder of PrimaryMarkets Ltd.
and currently holds the title of Co-Chairman since 2016.
Mr. Solomon is also the founder of Helmsec Global Capital Ltd, and he currently holds the position of Director at Pancho (NSW) Pty Ltd.
and Member at Australian Institute of Co. Directors.
In his former positions, he served as the Non-Executive Chairman at Estrella Resources Ltd.
from 2011 to 2014, Independent Non-Executive Director at Greenwing Resources Ltd.
from 2013 to 2014, Director at Invigor Group Ltd.
from 2020 to 2021, and Executive Director at Complii Fintech Solutions Ltd.
from 2021 to 2023.
He also held positions as a Non-Executive Director at The Bradman Foundation and The Bradman Museum & International Cricket Hall of Fame.
Mr. Solomon completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees at The University of New South Wales.

Photo Wayne Solomon
Wayne Solomon

Wayne Solomon has a current job as a Manager-Ship Building at Seaspray Marine Services & Engineering FZC.

Photo Michael Solomon
Michael Solomon

Michael Henry Solomon is currently an Independent Non-Executive Director at Sedibelo Resources Ltd.
He is also a Director at Loggia Investments Pty Ltd., Southern Goshawk Resources Pty Ltd., Polmaise Colliery Pty Ltd., Southern Goshawk Projects Pty Ltd., Tigertrap Advisory Pty Ltd., Tigertrap Properties Pty Ltd., Notice Properties Pty Ltd., Rated Selection Props Pty Ltd., a Non-Executive Director at Federation For A Sustainable Environment, and a Member of The Southern African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, The Institute of Quarrying, and Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa.
In the past, he was the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director at Wesizwe Platinum Ltd., Executive Director at Anglo African Oil & Gas Plc, Mining Director & Chief Mining Engineer at MSM Corporation International Ltd., Non-Executive Director at Wesizwe Platinum Ltd., Independent Non-Executive Director at Gold One International Pty Ltd., Mining Director at The Mineral Corp., Director at UN Global Compact Local (South Africa), Chief Mining Engineer at Van Eck & Lurie, Senior Mining Engineer at Steffen Robertson & Kirsten (SA) (Pty) Ltd., and Senior Mining Engineer at El Bateman Group.

Photo Michael S. Solomon
Michael S. Solomon

Michael Solomon has been Chief Financial Officer of Skins, Inc. since June 16, 2008.
He served as Senior Vice President and Controller of Nexxar Group, Inc. from September 2006 to April 2008.
From January 2006 to September 2006, Mr. Solomon served as Chief Financial Officer of Startrak Systems LLC.
He served as an Accounting Consultant-Worldwide Consolidations and Accounting Group of SonyBMG Music Entertainment.
From 2003 to 2005, Mr. Solomon served as Chief Financial Officer of Shareholder International Corporation.
From 1994 to 2003, he was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Georgeson Shareholder Communications, Inc. From 1991 to 2004, Mr. Solomon was Vice President of Finance and Controller for Graff Pay-Per-View, Inc. From 1984 to 1991, he worked in the middle-market group of Deloitte & Touche.
From 1982 to 1984, Mr. Solomon was Staff Accountant at Weinick, Sanders & Co. He received a Master of Business Administration in Finance from Pace University in 1992 and a BS in Accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1982.
Mr. Solomon is a Certified Public Accountant.

Photo Michael A. Solomon
Michael A. Solomon

Mr. Solomon is currently a Director at the Merrill Lynch Community Development Company, where he leads the Equity and Structured Finance businesses of the Company and co-manages the Real Estate business.
Since February 2001 he has focused on structuring and making loans and equity investments in the affordable housing, small business and economic development arenas.
For nearly a year prior to his work at Merrill Lynch, Mr. Solomon was a Vice President at the JP Morgan Community Development Corporation, where he worked on various transactions in community and economic development.
Prior to his work in community development, Mr. Solomon was for twelve years Counsel to Debevoise & Plimpton.
Prior to practicing law Mr. Solomon was law clerk to the Honorable Edward R.
Korman, Chief Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.
Mr. Solomon obtained his law degree in honors from Brooklyn Law School in 1987, a Master of Arts in Political Science with honors from the Nelson A.
Rockefeller Graduate School of Public Affairs (State University of New York) in 1984 and a Bachelor of Arts from the State University of New York at Albany in 1982.
Mr. Solomon was for ten years the New York Reporter for the American Bar Association's Journal on Current Developments in Real Estate Law.
Mr. Solomon is an advisor with Brook Venture Management.

Photo David J. Solomon
David J. Solomon

David J.
served as the Chief Executive Officer of Lazard Middle Market LLC from 1991 to 2018.
He also worked as the Co-Chief Executive Officer at Goldsmith Agio Helms & Lynner LLC.
Solomon received his undergraduate degree from Yale University and his MBA from The Curtis L.
Carlson School of Management.

Photo Carlyn Solomon
Carlyn Solomon

Carlyn D.
is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Harmony Foods Corp.
and Life Science Nutritionals, Inc. He is also the Director at Consumer Healthcare Products Association and Camp Kesem.
Previously, he held Director positions at The Firm of John Dickinson Schneider, Inc., Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association, Baxter International Foundation, and California Manufacturers & Technology Association.
He was also the President-BioScience Division at Baxter Healthcare Corp.
and the Chief Operating Officer at Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. from 2014 to 2016.
Additionally, he was the Vice President-Critical Care & Vascular at Edwards Lifesciences Corp.
from 2011 to 2014.
Mr. Solomon received his undergraduate degree from Kansas State University.

Photo Solomon Kerensky
Solomon Kerensky

Solomon Kerensky is currently the Director at YMCA of Greater Hartford, Founding Partner at Kahan, Kerensky & Capossela LLP, Managing Member at Talcottville Development Co., and General Partner at Key Associates.
He was previously an Independent Director at Connecticut Bank & Trust Co. from 2011 to 2013.

Photo Jimmie Lee Solomon
Jimmie Lee Solomon

Jimmie Lee Solomon is currently a Director at Performance Acquisition Corp.
and a Director at N.
Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. He was previously a Director at Triplecrown Acquisition Corp.
and Victory Acquisition Corp.
(New York).
He also served as a Lawyer at Baker & Hostetler LLP from 1981 to 1991.
He was an Executive Vice President-Baseball Development at MLB Advanced Media LP.
From 1991 to 2012, he was an Executive Vice President-Operations at Major League Baseball Blue, Inc. He was also a Member-Diversity Task Force at Women's Sports Foundation.
Mr. Solomon received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and his graduate degree from Harvard University.

Photo Steven Solomon
Steven Solomon

Steven Solomon is currently a Managing Director & Portfolio Manager at Bank of America, NA (Private Banking) and a Director at CHOC Foundation.
Previously, he worked as a Managing Director at JPMorgan Private Wealth Advisors LLC, a Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager at Bank of the West (San Francisco, CA Investment Management), a Principal at The Philadelphia Phillies, and a Portfolio Manager at Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC.
He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University in 1992.

Photo Christopher Solomon
Christopher Solomon

Mr. Solomon is a General Partner focused on raising financing for WCAS portfolio companies, having joined WCAS in 2007.
Before joining WCAS, Mr. Solomon was at J.P.
Morgan Securities and two Technology start-ups.

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