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Wendy Becker

Wendy Becker is currently the Vice Chairman at Sony Group Corp., Chairman at Logitech International SA, and a Non-Executive Director at GSK Plc.
She also holds positions as a Director at British Heart Foundation, Managing Director at Tiscali UK Ltd., Director at Logitech, Inc., Independent Non-Executive Director at GlaxoSmithKline doo, Non-Executive Director at Saïd Business School, Director at Oxford University Press Ltd., and Member at the University of Oxford.
Additionally, she serves as a Trustee at The Prince's Trust, Trustee at Design Museum, and Trustee at The Vodafone Foundation.
In her former roles, Ms. Becker was the Chief Executive Officer at Jack Wills Ltd., Deputy Chairman at Cancer Research UK, Independent Non-Executive Director at Whitbread Plc, Independent Non-Executive Director at Great Portland Estates Plc, Managing Director at TalkTalk Telecom Group Ltd., Independent Non-Executive Director at Ocado Group Plc, Non-Executive Director at NHS England, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at Oxford Nanopore Technologies Plc, Group Chief Marketing Officer at Vodafone Group Plc, Partner at McKinsey & Co., Inc. (United Kingdom), and Trustee at English National Ballet.
She completed her undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College and holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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  1. Bourse
  2. Insiders
  3. Wendy Becker
  4. Les actionnaires de Logitech approuvent l'augmentation du dividende et réélisent la présidente Wendy Becker